Implementing a Disability Justice Framework: an interview with Sarah Jama
Our mission is to build a just and accessible Ontario — where people with disabilities have personal and political agency.
Our mission is to build a just and accessible Ontario — where people with disabilities have personal and political agency.
We can’t give up the fight to define our own political rules, that is why every procedural, legal and organizing strategy is being deployed to challenge the Conservative takeover of Toronto’s elections.
The problem with the “end of jobs” narrative is that it disarms us by suggesting that massive technological forces out of our control are most to blame for our problems. That is not the case.
One year since their historic election, and in the midst of a massive economic downturn, the Notley government has proven what progressive, principled government can do.
With families struggling to afford increasing rents, more and more children are growing up in poverty.
The challenge for progressives is to show that better public services serve the interests of all, while a focus on tax cuts will mainly benefit the most affluent.
Aivalis’ argument that Pierre Trudeau was a “Constant Liberal” is subtle, and acknowledges that organized labour and the NDP were not always consistently advocating policies well to the left of the Liberals.
Development of a new trade agenda should certainly be on the agenda of labour and the left.
Canadian social democrats, simply put, need to re-embrace the value in challenging private property’s dominance over the state.