Laytonian social democracy: one small practical action at a time
What was innovative was the way Layton talked about social democratic ideas as pragmatic solutions to everyday problems that bring hope and optimism to average Canadians.
What was innovative was the way Layton talked about social democratic ideas as pragmatic solutions to everyday problems that bring hope and optimism to average Canadians.
The federal government’s distorted version of reconciliation is incompatible with the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and domestic and international human rights law.
The 2017 federal elections in Germany confirm and continue some key trends in contemporary politics.
Creating the social partnership that is the core of social democracy—in the Nordic model, anyway—is a provincial undertaking which can greatly benefit from a strong federal ally.
Social democratic visions of a “democratized” economy have too often paid scant attention to the enduring role and impact of European racism, imperialism, nationalism, and colonialism in modern capitalism and in social democratic reforms.
What we urgently need is a recreation of the effective politics of post-War social democracy. But we can’t just return to the past.
Given the huge imbalance, this would likely require more managed trade plus more proactive Canadian industrial policies. As a planned economy, China might be open to sectoral managed trade arrangements.
It’s not right for us to think that we Canadians are immune to a radical right wing fanning intolerance and hate. We cannot be complacent. We need to change the game.
The government’s refusal to meet the terms of the Human Rights Tribunal ruling reminds us that Canada’s economy systematically devalues Indigenous life.