Internal documents challenge government’s funding claims for Indigenous children
The government’s refusal to meet the terms of the Human Rights Tribunal ruling reminds us that Canada’s economy systematically devalues Indigenous life.
The government’s refusal to meet the terms of the Human Rights Tribunal ruling reminds us that Canada’s economy systematically devalues Indigenous life.
A necessary prerequisite for restoring Western democratic capitalism, and even more so social democracy or democratic socialism, is to force the genie of finance back into its bottle.
These data point to stark and growing disparity between incomes and housing prices since 2005, far outstretching a related but less pronounced trend in the rest of the country.
Our trade situation was a serious problem long before the election of Donald Trump and new realities will demand a serious re-thinking of the liberal trade and industrial policies of the “free trade” era and not just more of the same.
At this moment of deep political convulsion throughout the West, the fight against privatization is part of a broader struggle against the economic logic that has led to corrosive inequality and underpinned the bankrupt neoliberal economic paradigm.
What we need to spark a meaningful recovery is a big boost to the demand side of the economy in the form of higher wages and more public investment.
Will white progressives struggle for anti-racism alongside people of colour, and make it a central strategy and analytical tool in organizing change?
“If a blind faith in unfettered markets continues to prevail, I believe the social foundation for our democracies will continue to be shaken.”
Acquisitions by foreign corporations of Canadian companies may be in the interests of shareholders and corporate executives, but harmful from the perspective of workers and local communities.