On Indigenous law and the public imagination

In September 2016, the Broadbent Institute hosted Progress Summit BC to chart a progressive path forward for the province in this critical election year. The first keynote was delivered by Law Foundation Professor of Aboriginal Justice and Governance at the University of Victoria, Val Napoleon.

In her own words, the raven that Dr. Val Napoleon paints is an “Indigenous, feminist, kick-ass trickster.” Val chose to create a female trickster because most representations of tricksters are male. She wanted to empower Indigenous women by highlighting that they can—and do—hold many important roles all at once, such as mother, grandmother, scholar, activist, teacher, and more.
Two "tricksters" by Val Napoleon.
A progressive BC must respect Indigenous law and practice and involve rebuilding Indigenous citizenries. Speaker: Val Napoleon, Law Foundation Professor of Aboriginal Justice and Governance, University of Victoria

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