“For All Mankind”: Address to the 1978 Socialist International Congress
As modern socialists we accept with pride and determination our historic and continuing struggle for liberty and equality, not simply for ourselves but for all mankind.
As modern socialists we accept with pride and determination our historic and continuing struggle for liberty and equality, not simply for ourselves but for all mankind.
Ed Broadbent’s rich vision of democratic equality can and should continue to be our compass in this era of uncertainty and crisis. A barren technocratic liberalism may be ill-equipped to carry this out — but democratic socialism can.
The underlying dilemma of social democracy in the twenty-first century is that neoliberalism has failed while a coherent alternative has yet to be fully developed and embraced by most social democratic parties.
The Golden Age was marked by very strong economic growth and by close to full employment, resulting in steadily rising real wages and the expansion of the fiscal base needed to finance the growing welfare state.
By the inter-war period, social democracy had emerged in Canada as a more or less coherent ideological and political force.
Social democracy was not only about the welfare state and public services and expanding social rights, but also about regulated capitalism, economic democracy, or even transcendence of capitalism as an economic system.
What if the CCF-NDP’s history as a mass party and a democratic, membership-based movement for a better world is in fact its unique strength in Canadian politics?
Ed Broadbent and his co-authors spoke at the Toronto Reference Library to launch their new book on Canadian social democracy.
To be humane, societies must be democratic — and, to be democratic, every person must be afforded the economic and social rights necessary for their individual flourishing.