Is Canada’s Economy Facing a “Productivity” Crisis? with D.T. Cochrane

“This is serving the interests of the capitalists who have been the beneficiaries of the gains in productivity without the gains in worker purchasing power.”

In our first episode of Progressive Political Economy, D.T. Cochrane, senior economist at the Canadian Labour Congress, dispels the misconceptions behind Canada’s “productivity” crisis.

Economic data shows us that corporate tax cuts have not been met with increased investment to the economy. Instead, the last fifty years have seen a steady decline in corporate investment while dividend payouts to share holders grew to new heights.

The Broadbent Institute and Perspectives Journal just launched a new video series, Progressive Political Economy. Each video spotlights a progressive economist or thinker paving the way for a more just Canada.

Through interviews filmed at the Broadbent Institute’s 2024 Progress Summit and 2024 Ellen Meiksins Wood Lecture, Canada’s leading progressive economic thinkers offer their alternatives to orthodox economic thinking. Shining a light on issues ranging from industrial strategy to sellers’ inflation, the Progressive Political Economy series pushes back against conventional economic thinking by presenting progressive alternatives to improve the lives of workers and ordinary Canadians alike.

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